FEBRUARY 15, 2025
MARCH 1, 2025
The Basque Studies Foundation and Basque Studies at Boise State University is pleased to announce a Call for Submissions for the Zortziak Bat International Symposium, dedicated to the exploration of the Basque Diaspora across the globe. Our theme is "Rowing Together," where individuals and communities work together to support, encourage, and inspire learning about the Basques.
We invite scholars, creators, and cultural experts to submit proposals that contribute to a deeper understanding of how Basque culture is maintained, adapted, and reimagined across various contexts in the Basque Diaspora.
We encourage interdisciplinary approaches and innovative presentations that reflect the dynamic nature of Basque cultural expressions, including visual, performing, and culinary arts. Group presentations will be considered.
Euskal Ikasketen Fundazioak eta Boise State Unibertsitateko euskal ikasketen sailak atsegin handiz iragartzen du diaspora ardatz duen nazioarteko sinposion parte hartzeko dialdia.
Sinposioaren gaia "denok bat arraunean" da, gure helburua denon artean euskara eta euskal gaiak sustatzea eta bultzatzea da. Euskal diaspora ardatz duten gaiak eta euskal kulturaren izaera dinamikoa islatzen duten ikuspegi diziplinartekoak eta metodologia berritzaileak sustatu nahi dira.
We encourage interdisciplinary approaches and innovative methodologies that reflect the dynamic nature of Basque cultural expressions.
Presentations at the symposium may be traditional oral delivery of one’s work (ie; academic paper), or you may choose to present a virtual exhibition of your fine arts and/or photography/film. You may also choose to perform music, dance, or other artistic approach(es) for your presentation.
If presenting in Basque, Spanish, or French, presentation slides must have English translations.
We welcome submissions from diverse fields, including but not limited to:
Dance: The role of traditional and contemporary dance in expressing Basque identity.
Art: Visual arts as a medium for preserving and transforming Basque heritage.
Music: The influence of traditional Basque music and its fusion with other global genres.
Literature: Narratives of migration, belonging, and identity in Basque literature.
Media and Film: Representations of Basque culture in film and digital media.
Folklore and Oral History: The transmission of Basque traditions and preserving and transmitting Basque heritage
Sports and Games: The cultural significance of traditional Basque sports in diaspora communities.
Language: The role of Euskara in maintaining Basque identity abroad.
History: Historical analyses of the Basque Diaspora, focusing on how historical events and processes, including periods of exile and migration, have influenced and shaped Basque identity across different contexts.
Anthropology: Ethnographic studies of Basque communities and cultural practices in the diaspora.
Sociology: Sociological analyses of community dynamics, identity formation, gender, and integration.
Food/Culinary: Impact of gastronomy in the Basque diaspora.
Politics/Economics: Investigation of politics and economics of the Basque diaspora.
Religion: Faith, practice and cultural identity beyond borders.
Sciences: Research, investigation, and the impact of globalization in the Basque diaspora.
Basque cultural topic of your choice
Ondoko gai nagusien inguruan ardaztuko dira ekarpenak:
Dantza: dantza tradizionalaren eta garaikidearen rola euskal nortasunaren adierazpenean.
Artea: arte bisualak eta euskal ondarea diasporan.
Musika: euskal musikaren rola diasporan.
Literatura: migrazio, jabetza eta identitatearen narrazioak euskal literaturan.
Hedabideak eta Zinema: euskal kulturaren irudia zineman eta euskarri digitaletan.
Folklorea and Ahozkotasuna: euskal trazioen transmizioa eta ondarea diasporan.
Kirolak eta Jokoak: kirolak eta jokoak diasporako komunitateetan.
Hizkuntza: euskara diasporan.
Historia: euskal diasporaren analisi historikoak.
Antropologia: diasporako euskal komunitateen eta kultur praktiken azterketa etnografikoak.
Soziologia: komunitatearen dinamika, identitatearen sorrera, eta genero azterketak.
Gastronomia: grastronomiaren eragina diasporan.
Politika eta Ekonomia: politika eta ekonomiaren azterketa euskal diasporan.
Erlijioa: sinesmen, praktika eta kultur identitateak mugaz haratago.
Zientziak: ikerketa, berrikuntza eta globalizazioaren eragina diasporan.
Euskal kultura oinarri duen beste gairen bat
ABSTRACT requirements | baldintzak
To be considered for acceptance, you must submit a short summary of your proposed presentation (“Abstract”).
Your Abstract MUST:
Be no more than 200-250 words
Include thesis statement, purpose, methods, conclusion
Include primary presenter's name, email, phone number with country code, affiliation (university, business, organization, etc.), and country of residence
Indicate if you are planning to present solo or as a group; if you have co-presenters, their name(s) and contact information are optional at submission, but will be required if your submission is selected
Zortziak Bat will prioritize in-person presentations, but virtual or recorded presentations may be considered. You will need to indicate the method of presenting on your submission form.
200-250 hitz (gehienez)
Aurkezpenaren izenburua, gaia, tesia, helburua, metodologia eta ondorioa
Aurkezle nagusiaren izena, helbide elektronikoa, telefono zenbakia herrialde-kodearekin, afiliazioa (unibertsitatea, negozioa, erakundea, etab.)
Aurkezlekideak badituzu adierazi haien izena(k) eta harremanetarako informazioa
Zortziak Bat Sinposioak aurrez aurreko aurkezpenak lehenetsiko ditu, baina zoom bidezko aurkezpenak eta grabaketak kantuan hartuko dira.
Due to the number of presenters, the Zortziak Bat symposium will limit each presentation to NO MORE THAN 15 minutes. You will be asked to step away from your presentation at 15 minutes, even if you are not finished. If time allows, there may be an opportunity for questions and answers, but this is not guaranteed. This time limit is a courtesy to the other presenters. Depending on other submissions, you may be asked to present as part of a panel with the acceptance of your submission. Please prepare your submission accordingly, whether you will be speaking, showing your art/photos/film or performance arts.
Aurkezpenak 15 minutukoak izango dira.